A Summer Breeze and Joshua Trees


"The desert and the parched land will be glad; The wilderness will rejoice."
– Isaiah. 35:1

I love road-tripping to Las Vegas...there are so many fun places to stop along the way (see my recent blog post about ZZYZX on 5/10). One spot I love to visit is the Mojave Memorial Cross


It's a beautiful area with a single cross that was first erected in 1934 on top of a large stone formation surrounded by Joshua trees. The road traveling to the cross is quiet and off the beaten path. There are many little spots to stop, hike and explore.


Recently on my way to Vegas, after visiting the cross I pulled off a side road and put up my rig. The weather was perfect and it was a joy to fly amongst the Joshua trees.


I treasure my Spring travels through the desert because I know the temperature is daily creeping higher and higher...and soon it will be too hot for me to enjoy the beauty here until Fall brings cooler weather.


I love how quiet it is here, only the sweet song of bees buzzing off in the distance could be faintly heard. I had a blast dancing with my trapeze in the cool breeze that gently swirled around me.

What are your favorite pit stops on road trips?


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